Friday, February 28, 2014

I will climb this Mountain with my hands wide open.

One. Year. In.
We are camped out after the first day's hike.  Finding shelter in a little tent illuminated with a lantern of love.  Shocked into the reality of the life of climbing up into the glory God has called us to.  I had no idea it could be like this.  There is a satisfying soreness that accompanies a big new day of hiking for miles up sharp inclines.  In much this way, the muscle of my heart is sore from change/JOY/growth/hard moments/tears of happiness/sleep deprivation/wonder of life/JESUS is so good. And there are yet multitudinous days ahead.

Breathing in new air.
Filled with anticipation of what is to come, entirely unable to predict what the journey ahead holds.  Anyone who claims having children is "settling down" doesn't have a clue as to the heart wrenching joy-filled adventure it truly is.  Hidden in the throes of life, seemingly normal and everyday, THIS is a real-time lesson in LOVE, sacrifice, needforJesuseverysecond.

Where is the spring?
Spring of water, cup of life, fill me up oh Lord.  This beautiful pilgrimage I find myself called to-- I need a better trail mix/energy shake/source of strength.  Dreamy days of long walks outside, sunscreen at the park, inhaling fresh air, chasing our large shadows in the bright hot sun, picnics galore. I foresee these sweet delights.  

Striding forward as cheerfulness comes and goes.  
I never knew a tear stained face and light step could somehow fit together.  
Yet on I go, longing for new life, and finding it in You.

oh God, be near.

I bloom in the Presence of Greatness.

About Me

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I am a daughter of the King and I try to be a friend to all I meet.